Strength & power
aren't overt in prominence,
nor subvert in dominance,
but transverse
in omnipresence.
After watching this video, could you define what this phenomenic entity is? The person in the video name is Jade Blue Eclipse; in her own way, she has exemplified the totality of the Pleasure Ion. How is does this term apply in Reflexive Psychology? First one would ask, what is the Pleasure Ion? The Pleasure Ion is the developing elation the body cultivates from the spiritual energy; an energy that is procure from physicality within the human body from an conscious to a unconscious euphoria.
This euphoria can be experience like an extra-sensory sensation within the human body. One could ascertain clarity from Gustav Fechner's the 'pleasure principle' theory that states"action is determined by the degree of pleasure or displeasure." This dual-consciousness, nature encompasses both conscious and unconscious thought and action within the realm of physicality. The human body and the mind contain a force and a spirit that is pragmatic in unity; within the human body, there resides a storage of energy that is procured. This procurement will grant the human body the ability to complete exercises in physicality beyond the reaches and the parallels of basic imagination.
Whatever physicality is performed, whether it be routine or recreational basis, there are three levels one can experience to enhance their 'life force' or 'euphoria' in pursuit of the Pleasure Ion:
- Kinetic- The motion the body gathers from the procurement of the energy (this focuses on the body in motion supplied by energy of movement based on diet of food/herbal consumption).
- Cardiotic - The atmospheric cultivation of energy from the heart vessel through the body (This focuses on the oxygen, the air the human body can respirate while developing techniques that siphon oxygen throughout the body procuring energy to stabilize heart activity; anti-inertia).
- Synergetic - The combination of atmosphere & of motion to attain a supra-level of physical elevation; an out-of-body/mind-experience imperceptible by the naked eye & the conscious mind (This is the combination of both that translate into a being of supreme formation of body, mind, and spirit).
One thing that could better represent my explanation of 'energy' would be Chakras. In brief, chakras are defined as the seven centers of spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy. These spiritual centers aid the body's development of energy fluidity to keep a balanced body, acute mind, and prolonged spirit. If, you have all these chakras in synch then the body, the mind, and the spirit is in total coalesce with the SELF, the environment, and the culture the body inhabits. (For further information here is a chart to check out: )
From this balancing of the body, mind, and spirit, there exist this clarity of the SELF; thus, the self will elucidate every action, every thought, every moment, and every sensation that applies in the inhabiting environment you confine your existence. It's omnipresence sought in conscious to unconscious effervesce. This is how reflexivity applies to the SELF. This elucidation will obviously influence the SELF and energize practice of these physicality's. This procurement, this energy become contagious from many aspects of the individual in their behavior, their attitude, and their presence. The value of this biological alchemy is the rewarded in achieving goals while in pursuit of further boundaries to maximize the body's potential.
Culture. This I must clarify further. Culture will apply to the exercise practiced (physicality or physical discipline). Examples include the following: Yoga, Karate, Contortionism, Gymnastics, Ji-Jitsu, Kickboxing, Kung-Fu, Tai-Chi, Jogging, Cycling, Running, Swimming, Meditation, Capoeira, Taekwondo, Dancing, Weightlifting, Erotic Dancing, Wrestling, and Weapons training, etc. This list is micro in comparison to how many exercises exist for one to attain the Pleasure Ion.

She was a walking, fire-breathing Pleasure Ion; she sacrificed herself to her discipline for the achievement of total perfection in body and in mind. I can't question her spirit for it is represented by her actions; she irradiated evolution and supra-consciousness. She become more than just Pleasure, she became a treasure of her virtues.

There is a value in what one can do with the body and the mind in unity for there exist a natural, pure energy from within. The Pleasure Ion is the body's lost treasure. This treasure is what Jade-Blue Eclipse and many other people have developed in their experiences of the environment and the cultures they represent. This development continues to be the driving force in the nature of human existence; yet a questionable one in explanation of human body's abilities. Humans continue to search for that ultimate high. The one ecstasy that is never-ending, and always available. Hey, we already have this contained in our bodies.
Our cultures and our environments will dictate certain habits, arouse certain curiosities, present certain delights to capture our attention from the true homage of natural ecstasy. This is the nature of the Pleasure Ion, to arouse one's body into heights attainable by diligence. The reflexive nature is it's in our hands. We decide how we want to obtain this pleasure and how much we can learn from it.
The remaining question, the reflexive perspective, is at what cost? Is all that attention to something abstract worth the time? Will this time pay off in rightful accord? Well, the question of biological and of psychological health is always something we all should consider regardless of the cultures we inhabit and the environments we dwell in. This is, truly, a reflexive thought, yet, does this thought answer questions about the physical unknown of the universe? The human body? The human mind? The human spirit? This inquisition is no different from others; it opens the doors to new avenues to seek out further truths pertaining to the ultimate question of truth. Knowledge, a whole treasure to pursuit as in the Pleasure Ion. Or, is knowledge the truth drive of the Pleasure Ion?
The remaining question, the reflexive perspective, is at what cost? Is all that attention to something abstract worth the time? Will this time pay off in rightful accord? Well, the question of biological and of psychological health is always something we all should consider regardless of the cultures we inhabit and the environments we dwell in. This is, truly, a reflexive thought, yet, does this thought answer questions about the physical unknown of the universe? The human body? The human mind? The human spirit? This inquisition is no different from others; it opens the doors to new avenues to seek out further truths pertaining to the ultimate question of truth. Knowledge, a whole treasure to pursuit as in the Pleasure Ion. Or, is knowledge the truth drive of the Pleasure Ion?