Coculturation &
What more do they
entail in the observation of culture?

From the lexicon, I, further, want to clarify what coculturation provides, compared and paired with acculturation and enculturation, in the process of cultural transformation. Now, cultural transformation is when an act or a process changes an
individual, a group, or an event as they are conforming to a
foreign culture's norms, beliefs in the guise of appearance, nature, and characteristics while gaining acceptance within the culture parameters in foreign or native environments.
In coculturation, there is a process that exist for an individual or a group who is evolving in this phenomenon. There are three phases in the coculturation process:
- Phase 1 (Primary level): This is the beginning stage where one have been introduced into the culture by an epiphenomenon. The time frame is 6 months to 2 years.
- Phase 2 (Secondary Level): This is the intermediate stage when one is progressing through the process of a cultural within the parameters of the epiphenomenon. The time frame is over 2 years to 5 years.
- Phase 3 (Third Level): This is the advanced stage when one has progressed the process of the cultural within the epiphenomenon to full bloom. The time frame is over 5 years to 7 years.
I want to inject that Phases 1 and 2 are developed within the parameters, range of the acculturation and enculturation processes; but Phase 3 is the prudent stage, in which, time allows the individual, the group, or the event to cultivate the required knowledge and trust necessary for existence in a culture's environment, in order, to strike relativity in a native stance compared to having a novice, foreign stance of the culture, itself.
Phrase 3 is probably the most important, because the definition states "one have to live in that foreign culture and environment, in order to achieve total cultural transformation." However, Phases 1 and 2 can be accomplished outside of the foreign culture in the native culture the observer exist in (counter-culture, cultural club or organizations for examples).
One has to complete all three phases to be considered totally "coculturated." For example, a student(s) at a high school who join a Spanish club are in the process of only Phase 1. Depending on the length of time as a member and the amount of training in the language and cultural history and ideas, one can only begin to tap into Phase 2 and possibly Phase 3. Although, there exist foreign exchange programs for students to live in the foreign culture for a semester or a fiscal school year; allowing these student(s) time to develop an understanding of the culture in it's raw environment.
The thing here is some student will remain to live in the culture's environment while others return to their native environment with the experience and training oof the culture's language and ideas. That key piece of evidence is where coculturation hits a snag of sorts with this limbo in only Phase 1 and 2; once one steps into Phase 3, there is there is the totality of commitment to consider. One has to be truly engulfed in the process to be "culturated (transformated)."
In truth, coculturation can only be achieve if you follow the Phases completely. There are no short-cuts. if, one wants to be "ethnated" they must allow total commitment and follow the process to total completion. If, one can't finish Phase 3 then the reward will not come into total fruition of coculturation.
Here is a little clip to introduce one to what may be a pleasure ion:
Also, I will be holding a writing contest real soon. Stay tune to these blogs. I will give details in about a month! There is a cash prize and a grand prize that is a new laptop computer. Over $500 dollars in prizes will be given away! Stay tuned!
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