Reflexive Psychology is the study of the Self in reflection of one's emotional, mental, and physical processes within the psyche. This blog will serve as a channel to examinate via observation the phenomenological nature of the Self in various cultures and environments from a myriad of personalities. From these observations the regressions and the thoughts will convert into a epiphenomenon of reflexive psychosis. Thus, this is coined Reflexive Psychology.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
REFLEXIVE PSYCHOLOGY - The Art of the Self: Reflexive Thought #6 - Windows on the train with w...
REFLEXIVE PSYCHOLOGY - The Art of the Self: Reflexive Thought #6 - Windows on the train with w...: Reflexive Thought #6 - Windows on the train with water drops descending...... It's a rainy Sunday afternoon. I just finished watching ...
Reflexive Thought #6 - Windows on the train with water drops descending......
Reflexive Thought #6 -
Windows on the train with water drops descending......
It's a rainy Sunday afternoon. I just finished watching the new film: Hunger Games at the Regal Cinema in Downtown LA off Olympic Boulevard by the Staples Center. I love how rain drops descend from the sky unto the earth. People always seem so frightened of the rain pouring all over there clothes. This is oblivious to me. I love the water. It's one of the most nourishing and powerful elements on this planet for without it most life on earth would not exist.
Life without water would not exist true, but what about love? I have had this female in my Japanese Class on my mind since the beginning of the semester. She is everything I wanted in a woman and then some. She has thought me something about myself; I Am Not A Loser. I sat in the cinema watching the film and all I could think about was her and me. I could imagine us laughing and talking over a cup of tea before this film; taking a train ride to and from Long Beach to this cinema; walking around Downtown LA or Long Beach in the rain looking at store while holding hands in this rain or any weather; and walking around on campus from Japanese Class to her next class which is on the way to the library.
My heart, my soul, and my spirit has engulfed this emotional possiblity. She is the titanic that has floored my existence. I never saw myself for what I was until I met this female. Her Animus has balanced my Anima. I only hope my Anima has done the same for her Animus. I want to hold her in my arms in a soft embrace and kiss her soft red lips. She has such a beautiful complexion upon her skin. She is natural in her beauty. No make-up, no fancy clothing, no ostentatious manner, only a simple female sway in her manner.I miss her already.
We have Spring Break this week and I have to be without her for a whole week. This is a great test of my loyalty, my dedication, and my strength in fate. I will think about her all week into Monday when we return to school. This is perhaps the healthiest love I have had for any woman in my life. I am willing to wait, but will she notice my affection? Only time will tell. This reflection is one that comes from the heart. There is nothing phenomenological about it. It is simple attraction. When you have this feeling for someone, you don't hide it. You must embrace it. This will take you places you have never knew existed.
If there was ever a love so precious
it would be her face.
If there was ever a beauty so irrefutable
it would be her grace.
If there was ever a woman so special
it would be her existence.
If there was ever a presence so breathtaking
it would be sensuous access.
Love is such a soliloquy of symmetry
the mystery is nothing short of tranquility.
Ah, the longing for the eternal embrace
becomes the only immaculate appetence.
My life is my love
this love is my wholesome dove.
This is poem I wrote says it all. I found that place in my heart; I found that passion I longed for in my soul. The only way to make it complete is to have her with me in sweet victory. For, all this longing and waiting would be of ill-reputable defeat. I will not be defeated nor will I give up. My life has become more than just a quest. No, this is a conquest for my love. I never knew how much love could teach me about myself once I have taken the shroud from my eyes and explored the possibilities in myself, in her, and in this chemistry we have built; anything is possible whether you are in love or not. This reflexion is a sparkling ray of sunshine on this rainy afternoon. Peace to those who are in search of something bold, and reflexive.....

It's a rainy Sunday afternoon. I just finished watching the new film: Hunger Games at the Regal Cinema in Downtown LA off Olympic Boulevard by the Staples Center. I love how rain drops descend from the sky unto the earth. People always seem so frightened of the rain pouring all over there clothes. This is oblivious to me. I love the water. It's one of the most nourishing and powerful elements on this planet for without it most life on earth would not exist.
Life without water would not exist true, but what about love? I have had this female in my Japanese Class on my mind since the beginning of the semester. She is everything I wanted in a woman and then some. She has thought me something about myself; I Am Not A Loser. I sat in the cinema watching the film and all I could think about was her and me. I could imagine us laughing and talking over a cup of tea before this film; taking a train ride to and from Long Beach to this cinema; walking around Downtown LA or Long Beach in the rain looking at store while holding hands in this rain or any weather; and walking around on campus from Japanese Class to her next class which is on the way to the library.
My heart, my soul, and my spirit has engulfed this emotional possiblity. She is the titanic that has floored my existence. I never saw myself for what I was until I met this female. Her Animus has balanced my Anima. I only hope my Anima has done the same for her Animus. I want to hold her in my arms in a soft embrace and kiss her soft red lips. She has such a beautiful complexion upon her skin. She is natural in her beauty. No make-up, no fancy clothing, no ostentatious manner, only a simple female sway in her manner.I miss her already.
We have Spring Break this week and I have to be without her for a whole week. This is a great test of my loyalty, my dedication, and my strength in fate. I will think about her all week into Monday when we return to school. This is perhaps the healthiest love I have had for any woman in my life. I am willing to wait, but will she notice my affection? Only time will tell. This reflection is one that comes from the heart. There is nothing phenomenological about it. It is simple attraction. When you have this feeling for someone, you don't hide it. You must embrace it. This will take you places you have never knew existed.

it would be her face.
If there was ever a beauty so irrefutable
it would be her grace.
If there was ever a woman so special
it would be her existence.
If there was ever a presence so breathtaking
it would be sensuous access.
Love is such a soliloquy of symmetry
the mystery is nothing short of tranquility.
Ah, the longing for the eternal embrace
becomes the only immaculate appetence.
My life is my love
this love is my wholesome dove.
This is poem I wrote says it all. I found that place in my heart; I found that passion I longed for in my soul. The only way to make it complete is to have her with me in sweet victory. For, all this longing and waiting would be of ill-reputable defeat. I will not be defeated nor will I give up. My life has become more than just a quest. No, this is a conquest for my love. I never knew how much love could teach me about myself once I have taken the shroud from my eyes and explored the possibilities in myself, in her, and in this chemistry we have built; anything is possible whether you are in love or not. This reflexion is a sparkling ray of sunshine on this rainy afternoon. Peace to those who are in search of something bold, and reflexive.....
Monday, March 5, 2012
REFLEXIVE PSYCHOLOGY - The Art of the Self: Reflexive Thought #6 - What has sprung unto my lif...
REFLEXIVE PSYCHOLOGY - The Art of the Self: Reflexive Thought #6 - What has sprung unto my lif...: What has sprung unto my life now?......... Reflectance: in this fair city I am in a state of ........... It's a Sunday afternoon at the...
Reflexive Thought #6 - What has sprung unto my life now?......

Reflectance: in this fair city I am in a state of ...........
It's a Sunday afternoon at the beach in Santa Monica. I just bought a painting from one of the vendors on the Venice Boardwalk. I have been staring at it religiously while sipping my cup of Japanese Cherry ocha - お茶 (Japanese word for Tea folks!) at the Coffee & Bean on the corner 2nd Street & Santa Monica Blvd. In this painting, there is a yellow background with a man in a jumping pose with legs tucked together as he is mid-air in a V-shape as he hold his sombrero with left-hand and his right-hand on his hip. It appears to be a male Flamenco dancer in what the Spaniards considered to be called Duende (a sort of enlightenment or ultra-level in the moment of the dance). The definition of grace and power is expressed in this painting. This initially grabbed my attention. I have never seen such mastery and awe in a painting. It's just one of those things we all will experience in our lifetime. The captivation of expression......
I just finished working out at the Old Muscle Beach on the Santa Monica side of the beach. I previously exited the bus on the Venice end of the beach. I don't know the exact distance, but I was breaking a sweat while the sun was glistening it's rays on my brow as I walked the boardwalk from downtown Venice Beach to the Santa Monica Pier. The Old Muscle Beach is yards from the pier; visible in distance. When I got to the Old Muscel Beach spot, I just did a couple of repetition lifts on the parallel bars, on the pull-up bars, and one rope climb. I am still in need of a tune-up in my strength training. I think I will start coming to Santa Monica every weekend to get in this type of work out.This is the extra push I need and I have an excuse to come out here every weekend.
I have plenty of time to strengthen every muscle in my body. I want to be in total coalesce with my body and mind before the next tournament. I want to make a statement for the coming Freestyle/Greco-roman wrestling season; right after the Olympic games. I have plans this summer to get in some technique practice with a friend of mine. I know where I can reach him. He is out in the Valley some where northeast of Long Beach.
As I am writing this blog, I am reflecting on this plateau I am reaching. I am about to graduate from CSULB with a Bachelors' of Arts in Psychology. I have been put through hell to get this degree for time is due. My time is now. The other thing is I am in love. I am actually in love with someone. She exhibits and possess the quality I seek in her woman. I love her independence, her spirit. She seem to have her head on straight. I respect her and adore her femininity its so balanced for she exhibits her animus and her anima in the very essence of her lips and the sway in her merry hips. We are both in the same Japanese class together. Everytime she enters the room she lights up my morning. To see her in class, is one of the things that makes my day.
Their is a possibly I may make a trip to Thailand for the coming Water Festival around April 13-15. I would love to celebrate the Buddhist New Year with other Buddhist in Thailand. As well, I would love to bring this lady with me. Yet, I can't rush the growth of a flower. I want her blossom and concot the nutrients necessary for her to cultivate her natural latitudes and longitudes. She has an ocean of opportunity. I am just glad she came into my life on January 23, 2012. It was the first class of the first day of the Spring semester at CSULB.
From that high note, I feel fresh, relaxed, and inspired. For years, I have sought certain qualities in my self-development as an individual. I still have a long way to go. The journey is solid for I am the lark. Sooner or later, I will glide to another nest. However, I want to detach from this loneliness and attach to companionship. The Buddha teaches us to be compassionate and detached. I am beginning to understand detachment is solely derivative of anti-social or recluse nature, but to seek knowledge from these virtues to further the self into another venture on the journey.
A matter of fact, next Sunday I may be working with a Capoeira group. This is something I must obtain in my life right now. Expression. I am not looking back. Whatever may still be lurking back there might as well find someone else? I won't be there to be harassed anymore. I have shed this withering skin and have molded into something more profound. This is what reflexive psychology is about; to take the old and convert it to the new; for one to take recollection, regress upon it and transform into a profoundity of introspection.

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