Reflexive Thought Lucky#7:
What is the true definition of
Reflexive Psychology?
I have given some thought into the term I have coined, "Reflexive Psychology." This term may seem queer to some people, a nifty neologism to others, and just play silly to everyone. Well, it could none or all of the about; however, I decided that this term needed explanation and what better way then to put a definition to this noun phrase.
I have given some thought into the term I have coined, "Reflexive Psychology." This term may seem queer to some people, a nifty neologism to others, and just play silly to everyone. Well, it could none or all of the about; however, I decided that this term needed explanation and what better way then to put a definition to this noun phrase.
Let me begin by breaking down the basic lexicon for each word in this noun phrase:
1. A personal pronoun compounded with -self to show the agent's action affects the agent.

3. | Referring back to itself. |
4. Of or relating to a mathematical or logical relation such that, for any
given element, that element has the given relation to itself.
1. The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.
2. The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity: the psychology of war.
3. Subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another: He used poor psychology on his employer when trying to make the point.
4. Philosophy The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.
Now, these lexicons for the noun phrase contain myriad of subjectivity to ascertain the clarification for a lexicon, definition, which I will introduce in the next paragraph. Reflexive Psychology in it's grand scope is a focus upon cultural-environment perspective for the individual or group in reference to the exact behaviors-emotions(attitudes) that represent their existence in their inhabited areas. Furthermore, this lexicon will explain what Reflexive Psychology is defined as (your witnessing history in the making):
Reflexive Psychology- A study of the emotional (attitudinal) and behavioral characteristics of an individual, a group, or activities (events) in relation to any element (culture, environment, habits, etc.) that is a given reference to itself, or the self.
This will be the (my) textbook lexicon for Reflexive Psychology. For everyone, anyone, any event, and any place may or should represent how we as humans see ourselves within the elements, phenomenons that are spoken, observed, and studied about from the position of the pedagogue. From these results, a pedagogue, in that case myself, obtains in their research prowl will be share, and explored through this medium. This medium will be host to the beginning of what I hope to be a lifestyle-philosophical-psychological (outlet) publication for the past, present, and future generations.

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