My Summer Vacation
I am sitting in my apartment. It's around 12 noon. I have 3 to 4 weeks before Fall Semester starts again. This has been one chill summer vacation. I have actually had plenty of time to reflect and think about my next steps toward achieving my goals. I have learned in situations like this that these steps are to be taken cautiously. Every move I make is done with the utmost caution. Hmmm....this behavioral cue is a clue to my revitalized state of mind.

Why am I saying all of this? Because, it needs to be said. Sometimes, we all need a break. Sometimes, we all can be so overwhelmed in life that we never get time to rest, to think, to breathe, or to live; these distractions, illusions can pile up to a point that barricade us from our humble beginnings before the this sudden maelstrom. This summer was truly a vacation. It had nothing to really do with traveling to different countries or different cities, or going to numerous parties, or getting heavily inebriated to the point of no return, or having lots of money to waste, although it never hurts to have some of it in moment like these.
This vacation was truly a sigh of relief. This vacation was the first time in my life I began to see where I am headed in my life. From what I can I have seen, my present is headed in the right place. When your senses and mind are lucid; you will have total autonomy in your life. It's a wonderful feeling to have control of your life & mind. This feeling makes you feel alive again. I feel just like that; Alive.
I have had some much time to reflect, revise, regress, and revamp my spirit. It was a gift that no once could have ever replace or given to me in a more opportune moment. It meant a whole lot to breath fresh air again (Well, the smog present in the LA air is not what we could call fresh, but it will do).
I am ready for the next level. I am ready for what is to come, and the best part is I can utilize my energy, my tools, and my efforts to make the present state procures the image of my future state. I live in the present for the past has vanquished and the future is an illusion. I don't believe in illusions or talk of delusions. I think of the now. I feel of the now! It is happening; right now!
What I am writing at this moment.
What I hear at this present moment.
What I fell at this present moment.
What I see at this present moment.
I see a computer screen with words from my mind to this page to your eyes reading these words to fill your mind with these thoughts then your thoughts which becomes our thoughts of many thoughts. Now, you are connected to the kinetic energy of the present. Its omnipresent.Your future is your present. A matter fact your future is now. The last word is now!
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